Survival Farming is a game of farming and simulation game. It includes an inventory, crafting, building, growing plants, livestock animals, a save system and much more.Resources:-Inventory system-Crafting system-Resource gathering-Character attributes (health, energy ...)-Farming (Sowing seeds, plant / fruit growth, hoe, watering)-Livestock Animals (eat, grow, produce)-Wild Animal behaviors (wander, escape, chase)-Hunting and Fishing-Eating and cooking-NPC store to buy / sell items-Combat (attacking and hp)-Item durability and food spoilage-Storage boxes (chest)-Pets (follow, attack and dig behaviors)-Horse riding-Bonus effects (Consumable or equipment that boost stats).-Game clock, day / night cycle-Save / Load system-Animated animals (cow, sheep, chicken, pig, deer, bear, squirrel, bird ...)-Basic material (wood, grass, rock, hay ...)-Gathering tools (hoe, scythe, ax, pickaxe, fishing rod, ...)-Food (berries, apples, nuts, meat, fish, ...)-Cooked food (tacos, popcorn, bread ...)-Constructions (fences, bbq, chest ...)-Environment (trees, bushes, rocks, floor patterns ...)-Farming plants (strawberry, pumpkin, pepper, tomato, wheat ...)-Town models (lamp, bench, houses, shop stand ...)